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Diaper Derby


 This is a fun-filled event for crawling children under two years of age.



  1.  On-line entries now being accepted (click here to send entry)

  2. No Entry Fee!



  1. Each racer must be accompanied by two adult "coaches"

  2. Racers participating in the Diaper Derby will crawl from one cheering "coach" to the other.

  3. The "coaches" can be behind the start and finish lines and can use toys, dolls, baby bottles, keys, etc. to offer the racer incentives to finish.

  4. No "coaches" can assist the racer or cross the starting line or finish line during the race or the racer will be disqualified.

  5. The winning racers must cross the finish line on their own.

  6. There will be a 3 minute limit to the race.  At the end of 3 minutes, if no crawler has crossed the finish line, the crawler closest to the finish line wins


Prizes will be awarded as follows:


1st place: age appropriate prize

All runners up will get a participation ribbon

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